How children can benefit from chiropractic care

Toddlers suffer over 500 falls by the time they reach 2 years of age, although full symptoms may take years to show up. As toddlers begin to learn how to walk and become more mobile, they’re bound to suffer many falls, bumps and bruises. Nonetheless, the symptoms may seem to heal rather quickly, when in fact the full symptoms may take many years to show up. In order to reduce the chance of additional symptoms developing later on, it can be very beneficial to take your child to a chiropractor. The chiropractor can help identify any potential injuries to the spine and make gentle adjustments to avoid health problems that might show up later down the road.

Chiropractic care helps growing children stay healthy and happy. Ranging from pain and falls to ear infections, more and more parents are bringing their children in for chiropractic therapy. Children’s bodies are sensitive and easily susceptible to injuries. As they begin to crawl, walk, and partake in childhood play, they increase their chances of injuring themselves. With gentle chiropractic alignments, we can help your child stay healthy and pain free.

Many current health programs started all the way back in childhood. People are often unaware of the cause of the pain they’re experiencing in their adult years. The truth is that many of these symptoms were due to injuries or health problems that occurred at a younger age. With chiropractic care, children and adults alike can benefit from the treatments and see noticeable changes in their functionality and mobility. Prevent your child from experiencing troublesome symptoms in their future; get them chiropractic care now.

We correct the potentially serious subluxations that can occur during delivery. Children aren’t the only ones who can suffer from subluxations. Infants and moms can, as well. During labor, moms and infants experience quite a bit of stress on their bodies which can cause alignment issues. We strongly advise that both mother and infant seek out chiropractic care as soon as possible following childbirth.

Directly influence your child’s healthy development with chiropractic care. Children are often the most active during their developing years and as chiropractors, we can’t stress enough how important it is to ensure that your child is going through a healthy development. With chiropractic care, we can detect any misalignments in your child’s spine and correct any issues that may prevent them from a healthy development. Take preventative measures now to ensure your child is safe and healthy. After all, it’s never too early to get your child started on a healthy path.

Call us at (818) 841-2442 to learn more about the benefits of chiropractic care for your child.

Michael Onkels