The chiropractic cure: Lower back injuries

The majority of back pains are caused by your lumbar vertebrae. While the most common cause of pain in the lower back is due to muscular problems, such as strain from bending, heavy lifting or other constant uses, lower back pain can also be caused by degenerated discs, lumbar disc herniation, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, osteoarthritis and numerous other causes. Regardless of what is causing your back pain, the most important thing is that you get relief. After all, back pain can cause issues with the muscles, bones and joints, and affect the quality of your life. One of the best reliefs for lower back pain is chiropractic adjustment or alignment of the spine as it can help significantly reduce the pain and pressure on your spine.

Every ten pounds gained puts an extra 100 lbs of pressure on your spine. The more weight you carry, the higher you’re at risk for degenerative disc disease. This increases the likelihood of getting a ruptured or slipped disc, which can put pressure on your nerves. Oftentimes, this leads to back pain, weakness and numbness on the areas of the body connected to the affected nerves. It’s best to avoid factors that can affect your back and spine, such as strenuous, repetitive activities or carrying an excessive amount of weight.

Your spine acts like a shock absorber and L5/S1 tends to take the most abuse. Since your lumbar vertebrae is connected to your pelvis, it takes a lot of the pressure and shock, thereby increasing the likelihood of pain occurring. However, pain can often radiate to different regions of the body and cause different levels of pain to your muscles, joints, and nerves.

With adjustments, we can reduce the stress on your spine. At Onkels Chiropractic, we can provide therapeutic care that can help limit the pressure on your spine and reduce the pain or discomfort you’re experiencing. Depending on the condition, individuals may experience different levels of pain in their lumbar region. It’s our goal to help you feel healthier and happier through gentle chiropractic therapy.

We gently decompress the spine with our “rack” table - ideal for the lower back. Adjusting your spine can help alleviate the stress on your lower back and help reduce the onset of injuries that may be negatively affecting your everyday activities. Through our various techniques, we can help reduce the tension on your spine and allow you to live without any discomfort.

Experience constant lower back pain? Perhaps it’s time you get chiropractic care. Call us at (818) 841-2442 to schedule an appointment.

Michael Onkels